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Fantasy & Sci-Fi

Short Story Collections

Carousel of
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A Carousel of Nightmares

Kerry E.B. Black


A collection of short stories that will thrill readers, without preventing sleep.


Kerry E.B. Black corralled these untameable beasts for your pleasure. Find the beauty in their skeletal coats, the sparkle in their malignant eyes. May the ride they offer lead to the adventure you seek!




Herd of Nightmares 

by Kerry E.B. Black


Some nightmares possess panache, tripping into a subconscious with surprising delicacy to first creep into the dreamer’s trust.

Others pound their splintered hooves through memories, scattering fear with every thundering footfall. 

First Place: Anthology TAZ Awards 2020



Fairy Herds & Mythscapes

A 3rd collection of short horror by Kerry E.B. Black,
author of 2020 TAZ award-winning short story collection Herd of Nightmares.

This latest volume of short stories stampedes into the realm of tales inspired by global fairy tales and myths.

To survive a trip through the vale of the fair folk, you must know the rules. Be polite, but don't say thank you. Iron brings death to the fey, so if you carry it, be prepared for aggression. Stick to the path, keep your word, and be industrious. And NEVER eat goblin food.

(There are many more. They can be fun.)


Nightmares on Holiday


There is no holiday FROM nightmares.
Nightmares follow us through every day and every holiday!
In this collection of 38 short and flash fiction stories, readers greet the new year, welcome a spring thaw, and reconsider the Feast of St. Valentines. Beware the Ides of March, Easter witches, goddesses, and eggs. Hear of an Arbor Day uprising, celebrate parents, nations, and a beach vacation before Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas claim the stage.
This book contains a whole year of holidays.
All are written with the hope of entertaining you, the reader.


Novels & YA Novels

Wolves at Bay
For Mid-Grade and Older
See below for Spanish edition

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Wolves at Bay

~by Kerry E.B. Black


At the insistence of his wife, a desperate young father, Ward, risks wolf-infested woods to hire an herbal healer to save his ailing infant son.
But Ward has a hidden history with the would-be healer, and some would say herbalism is akin to witchcraft.
When wolves, literal and metaphorical, turn up, ready to tear into their victim, Ward must face their slavering jaws to save not only his family, but also his own soul.
Wolves at Bay is a novella concerned with family love and accountability and the way society seeks scapegoats when faced with fear and pain.

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Lobos Aulladores

~by Kerry E.B. Black


Ante la insistencia de su esposa, Ward, un joven padre desesperado, se arriesga en un bosque infestado de lobos para contratar a una curandera que salve a su hijo enfermo.
Pero Ward tiene una historia oculta con la curandera, y algunos dirían que la herboristería es similar a la brujería.
Cuando aparecen los lobos, literales y metafóricos, dispuestos a desgarrar a su víctima, Ward debe enfrentarse a sus fauces voraces para salvar no sólo a su familia, sino también su propia alma.

Lobos Aulladores es una novela que aborda el amor familiar y la responsabilidad, así como el modo en que la sociedad busca chivos expiatorios cuando se enfrenta al miedo y al dolor.
Black teje un mundo donde la crueldad contra los incomprendidos es una realidad inquietante.


Seasons of Growing
A Paranormal YA Series
Now available in English OR Spanish

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Awakening at Equinox
Book 1 of the Season of Growing Series

~by Kerry E.B. Black


Shy Casey Adams never imagined the changes a secret campus
ceremony would bring to her already complicated life.

Now, she’s plagued with horrifying visions. Her new friends share disturbing dreams of a mysterious and beguiling woman, and they all seem different, and not necessarily for the better.

Ol’ Nor’Eastern College is besieged by grisly murders and Casey worries they may have unwittingly unleashed more than their inner potentials during their strange ceremony. They may have released something primal. Something hungry. Something sinister.

Fans of magical realism will enjoy this debut Young Adult contemporary exploration of the paranormal, of responsibility to family, friends, and community, and of self-acceptance.


Despertar En Equinoccio

Primer libro de la serie Las estaciones del crecimiento


La tímida Casey Adams nunca imaginó los cambios que una ceremonia secreta en el campus universitaria secreta en su ya complicada vida. Ahora, está plagada de visiones horripilantes. Sus nuevos amigos comparten sueños inquietantes sobre una mujer misteriosa y seductora, y todos parecen cambiados, y no necesariamente para mejor.
El Ol' Nor'eastern College se ve asediado por espeluznantes asesinatos y Casey teme que, sin saberlo, hayan desatado algo más que sus potenciales internos durante su extraña ceremonia. Pueden haber liberado algo primitivo. Algo hambriento. Algo siniestro.
Los fans del realismo mágico disfrutarán con este debut de Young Adult contemporáneo que explora lo paranormal, la responsabilidad con la familia, los amigos y la comunidad, y la aceptación de uno mismo .

Spring of Spirits
Book 2 of the Season of Growing Series

~by Kerry E.B. Black


Casey Adams senses when someone is about to die, and with her expressions of grief, she aids their passage beyond the veil. There are new developments, though, with new responsibilities. She learns psychopomps help more than just people, has to share her best friend, Jaimie, and makes new friends at Ol' Nor'Eastern College.

As her family handles a complicated relationship with her mother, a mysterious stranger who looks a lot like Casey causes mischief. The kind of trouble that threatens to end Casey's college career.
Spring of Secrets is Book Two of the Seasons of Growing series.
In Book One, Awakening at Equinox, Casey and her friends were part of an "Awakening" ceremony on campus which changed all in attendance.


Primavera de Espíritus 

Libro Dos de la serie Estaciones de Crecimiento

Casey Adams percibe cuando alguien está a punto de morir y, con sus expresiones de dolor, ayuda a su paso más allá del velo. Pero, hay más circunstancias, con nuevas responsabilidades. Aprende que los psicópatas no sólo ayudan a las personas, tiene que compartir a su mejor amiga, Jaimie, y hace nuevas amigas en el Ol' Nor'Eastern College.
Mientras su familia maneja la relación complicada con su madre, una misteriosa extraña que se parece mucho a Casey causa travesuras. El tipo de travesura que amenaza con acabar con la carrera universitaria de Casey.
Primavera de espíritus es el segundo libro de la serie Estaciones de crecimiento.
En el libro uno, Despertar en Equinoccio, Casey y sus amigos formaron parte de una ceremonia de "Despertar" en el campus que cambió a todos los asistentes.


Winter of Wonders
Book 3 of the Season of Growing Series

~by Kerry E.B. Black


Coming soon.



Summer of Solace 
Book 4 of the Season of Growing Series

~by Kerry E.B. Black


Coming soon.


Dystopian Books

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Pages: A Library Play

~by D. R. Sanchez


Libraries and the books they hold play a vital role in our world. This one-act play explores a possible future where communities stop supporting libraries.


Discover what a small group must do to save the past for the matter what the cost.


Today libraries across the country are being closed due to lack of community and government support. The circumstances presented in this play are all too real.


What would you do if faced with these decisions?

What can you do now to prevent it from happening?

The future of libraries and books is in your hands.



Also available in Spanish:

Páginas: Un Cuento de Bibliotecas





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